The Feminine CEO | Laini Bennett

The Feminine CEO

Women in LeadershipAged CareBenetasceoempowermentfemale empowermentHealth Caremanagementwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Is it possible to be a feminine CEO and still kick goals? Aged care service provider Benetas CEO Sandra Hills certainly believes so. She shares her advice for balancing femininity and strong leadership, and managing in times of change. A couple of years ago, Benetas CEO Sandra Hills was sorting through her mail when she

A Woman of Stature | Laini Bennett

A Woman of Stature

Women in Leadershipceoempowermentfemale empowermentGS1 AustraliaHealth Caremanagementwomen in leadershipwomen in management

When Maria Palazzolo started at not-for-profit organisation GS1 Australia, she never expected it to become a life-long passion — or career. Nor did she expect, as their CEO, to find she is often the only woman in the room. Here, Palazzolo speaks about her career, her advice for women seeking leadership roles and her proudest

The road less travelled | Laini Bennett

The Road Less Travelled

Women in Leadershipceoempowermentfemale empowermentHealth CaremanagementNational Mental Health Commissionwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Recognised with an Order of Australia for her leadership roles in medical administration at a state and national level, and to the discipline of psychiatry, Dr Peggy Brown is former CEO of the National Mental Health Commission. She shares her journey to success and the lessons she’s learned during her 30-year career as a woman

Dare to be yourself | Laini Bennett

Dare to Be Yourself

Women in LeadershipACNAustralian College of Nursingceoempowermentfemale empowermentHealth Caremanagementwomen in leadershipwomen in management

As a young mother and sole breadwinner, Australian College of Nursing CEO Kylie Ward was motivated by both need and ambition to pursue a career in nursing management. Now she’s in a position to give back to the profession she respects so much. Adjunct Professor and Australian College of Nursing CEO Kylie Ward is often

Taking the Leap | Laini Bennett

Taking the Leap

Women in LeadershipBlackmores Instituteceoempowermentfemale empowermentHealth Caremanagementwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Dr Lesley Braun, Group Director of Blackmores Institute, talks about juggling multiple careers in parallel, and her lessons learned. Dr Lesley Braun was working in Monash University’s Faculty of Medicine and Surgery when she encountered the then CEO of Blackmores, Christine Holgate. She was meeting with Braun and a surgery professor about research they were undertaking into complementary