Eat, Pray, Repurpose | Laini Bennett

Eat, Pray, Repurpose

Women in Leadershipceoempowermentlessons learnedOzHarvestSustainabilitywomen in leadershipwomen in management

Before launching her food rescue organisation, OzHarvest CEO Ronni Kahn AO had a series of careers that spanned two countries and three decades. Then one day, she discovered her true purpose. In this interview, Kahn provides insights into her journey of self-discovery and her leadership lessons learned. When OzHarvest CEO Ronni Kahn AO was 23

When You Show Up, Good Things Happen | Laini Bennett

When You Show Up, Good Things Happen

Women in Leadershipceoconfidenceempowermentlessons learnedMahlabmanagementmentoringnetworkingwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Bobbi Mahlab AM believes networking is an essential leadership KPI, providing opportunities to grow – both yourself and your business. Mahlab is Chair of Mahlab Media and co-founder of Mentor Walks Australia. Here, she shares her lessons learned from establishing two successful organisations, including the importance of building self-confidence. In 2016, Bobbi Mahlab AM was

Top 10 Lessons Learned by Female Leaders | Laini Bennett

Top 10 Lessons Learned By Female Leaders

Women in LeadershipceoconfidenceempowermentInternational Women's Daylessons learnedmanagementwomen in leadership

Every time I interview a female CEO or leader, I ask: ‘What are the key lessons you’ve learned as a leader that you would like to pass on to other women?’ Without fail, each inspirational leader shares their lessons learned, to help empower and motivate other women as they strive to build their careers.  In

Learning From The Best Christine Parker | Laini Bennett

Learning From The Best

Women in Leadershipceoconfidencefemale empowermentlessons learnedmanagementMentorQueen Bee SyndromeWestpacwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Christine Parker’s career has benefitted from mentorship, and she believes women in executive roles have an obligation to bring other women through. As Westpac Bank’s Group Executive Human Resources, she also believes you should only work for companies that reflect your values. Here, she explains why, while sharing her leadership journey and lessons learned. Early

Carving it Up in The World of Leadership | Laini Bennett

Carving it Up in The World of Leadership

Women in LeadershipAustralasian Institute of Digital HealthCentre for Digital Transformation of Healthceoconfidenceempowermentfemale empowermentHealth Carelessons learnedmanagementUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of Utahwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Can skiing and mountain bike riding give you more confidence as a leader? That has certainly been the case for Professor Wendy Chapman, director of the new Centre for Digital Transformation of Health. She shares her secrets to leadership success and the lessons learned along the way.    Professor Wendy Chapman was feeling elated. An

I Am New To A Team And Need to Conduct Performance Reviews. How Should I Handle Them? | Laini Bennett

I Have Just Started Managing a Team. How Should I Handle Performance Reviews?

Managers Anonymouslessons learnedmanagementPeople managementperformance management

Bec* was thrilled to have her first management role. Albeit, she had one direct report and two contractors, but it was a good start. Six months later, the company underwent a major restructure and she was promoted to manage a team of 16 people.  “I was warned that some of my new direct reports were