A Role Model For Success - Kate Quirke | Laini Bennett

A Role Model For Success

Women in LeadershipAlcidionASXAustralasian Institute of Digital Healthceoconfidencefemale empowermentHealth Caremanagementself-doubtwomen in leadershipwomen in management

What would you do if you were pushed into a role you didn’t want or feel ready for? If you’re Kate Quirke, you’ll turn the challenge into a success and a learning opportunity that will shape your career. In this Women in Leadership interview, the Alcidion CEO shares her leadership journey and her lessons learned.

Carving it Up in The World of Leadership | Laini Bennett

Carving it Up in The World of Leadership

Women in LeadershipAustralasian Institute of Digital HealthCentre for Digital Transformation of Healthceoconfidenceempowermentfemale empowermentHealth Carelessons learnedmanagementUniversity of MelbourneUniversity of Utahwomen in leadershipwomen in management

Can skiing and mountain bike riding give you more confidence as a leader? That has certainly been the case for Professor Wendy Chapman, director of the new Centre for Digital Transformation of Health. She shares her secrets to leadership success and the lessons learned along the way.    Professor Wendy Chapman was feeling elated. An