Leading with Passion and Purpose: Nicole Gamerov’s Journey to Empowering Others

Leading with Passion and Purpose: Nicole Gamerov’s Journey to Empowering Others | Laini Bennett

Nicole Gamerov is proof that when you combine passion with purpose, you can create something truly transformative. Here, the MyCareSpace Founder and CEO shares how her mother’s life-changing health diagnosis inspired the creation of a platform that has transformed the lives of thousands of Australians with disabilities.


When Nicole Gamerov heard that her beloved mother was going blind and there was nothing she could do about it, she was devastated. The MyCareSpace Founder and CEO then worked in the corporate space and had just become a mother herself. She couldn’t imagine her fiercely independent mother being unable to live a fulfilling life and was determined to find a support network to help her cope with her new reality. 

As Gamerov struggled to find services, she wondered how many other people with disabilities and their families experienced the same predicament. Why was it so hard to find this essential information? And so sprouted the kernel of an idea that would ultimately see Gamerov and her team help over 60,000 Australians with disabilities.

Early influences

Gamerov grew up as one of five children in a tight-knit, lively family in a small mining town in South Africa. Her childhood ingrained within her the values that would shape her future as a leader.

“I grew up in a very open, loving family,” Gamerov recalls. “But also, being one of five children, there were no illusions. We were always very honest with each other, cutting each other down to size at dinner time. It was a robust environment where I honed my debating and “survival” skills and learned to defend my opinions. That gave me confidence.”

Career Tip:

Don’t be afraid to surround yourself with people who challenge your assumptions. “As a startup founder, you have a strong vision, and it’s important that you are constantly looking at, or including, a diverse set of ideas,” Gamerov explains.


Her parents further nurtured this confidence, especially her father, who played a pivotal role in shaping her belief that she could achieve anything she set her mind to.

“I remember being upset as a young girl about not getting the top marks on a test,” Gamerov shares. “My dad sat me down and said, ‘You can achieve whatever you put your mind to; don’t let anybody or anything stop you.’ That moment stuck with me throughout my life.”

A life-altering diagnosis

With her family’s encouragement, Gamerov started her successful career as a chartered accountant, later moving into banking and reinsurance. After experiencing a home invasion in South Africa, Gamerov and her husband moved to Australia, eventually settling permanently and raising their family of three children. She’d just given birth to her first child when her mother received the life-altering diagnosis. 

“We missed the early signs of my mum’s macular degeneration, and by the time we realised what was happening, it was too late for treatment,” Gamerov says. “I come from a family where we’re all educated and successful, yet we struggled to find the support my mum needed when she began losing her sight.”

Leading with Passion and Purpose: Nicole Gamerov’s Journey to Empowering Others | Laini Bennett
Nicole Gamerov with her mother, Joan.

When Gamerov later learned about Australia’s new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), she was elated: it was aimed at giving people with disabilities choice and control in how they accessed support services they needed to live independently. But she knew the scheme would face challenges if people couldn’t locate service providers. 

“I remember talking to my husband about it and saying I want to be a part of this, and I want to make a difference.” 

And so, the concept for MyCareSpace was born. 

Taking the leap into entrepreneurship

Gamerov’s decision to leave the security of a corporate role at reinsurer Swiss Re, where she had built a successful career, was met with mixed reactions. But she felt ready to take the leap.

“I had worked at Swiss Re for 15 years, and my colleagues thought I was insane for leaving such a blue-chip company,” Gamerov says with a laugh. “But I had reached a point where I had the confidence, the knowledge, and the connections to make a real difference. My husband was incredibly supportive and told me to go for it.”

Career Tip:

When starting a business, believe in yourself and back yourself. “You have to have complete confidence in yourself because you can’t rely on others to give you that confidence,” Gamerov says.


This wasn’t Gamerov’s first experience with bravery. From bungee jumping over the Victoria Falls to surviving a harrowing hippo attack while backpacking in Botswana’s Okovong Delta, she had faced life-threatening situations. But this time, her courage was channelled into a different kind of adventure—one where the stakes were people’s lives and well-being.

The Birth of MyCareSpace

While successful now, building MyCareSpace into a viable, thriving business was not without its challenges, especially in the first three years. 

“It’s quite a lonely journey. It felt like I was on a roller coaster at Luna Park all by myself,” she says. “One minute, you’re high. The next, you’re going down.”

Gamerov encountered numerous challenges, particularly finding the right technology partners to bring her vision to life. During this time, she reconnected with Bianca Shapiro, a university friend and web consultant.

Leading with Passion and Purpose: Nicole Gamerov’s Journey to Empowering Others | Laini Bennett
Nicole Gamerov (L) and Bianca Shapiro

“After months of frustration trying to get tech companies to understand what I needed, I called Bianca,” Gamerov recalls. “Three days later, she sent me a proposal and just nailed it; she got exactly what I wanted.” 

Shapiro believed in Gamerov’s vision and MyCareSpace so much that within the first year, she sold her web development business and joined the business full-time. It was the start of an incredible partnership and friendship and a “pivotal point in the business”, says Gamerov.

Career Tip:

Starting a business is a journey; the first three years are generally the toughest. However, don’t be afraid to go after your vision. 

“You don’t want to have regrets about not doing it… And don’t be afraid of making mistakes,” Gamerov says.


One of the most rewarding aspects of the business for Gamerov has been witnessing the tangible impact MyCareSpace has had on people’s lives. She recalls the story of a young man with a psychosocial condition who, after being in and out of the justice and healthcare systems for years, was connected through MyCareSpace to a provider who helped him access accommodation, live independently, and find a job, thus completely transforming his life.

“Seeing someone’s life change like that is exactly why I started this business,” Gamerov says. “It reminds me that all the hard work is worth it.”

Helping autistic families combat loneliness

One of Gamerov’s proudest accomplishments has been the creation of The A-List, a separate platform under the MyCareSpace umbrella, which helps young autistic people and their families find social opportunities. Inspired by the countless calls MyCareSpace received from parents of autistic children who were struggling with isolation, the hub was born out of a desire to address this pressing need.

“Every day, we’d hear the same story—a parent with a young autistic child who had no friends, no social opportunities,” Gamerov explains. “We wanted to help change that.”

Through a grant from the Australian Government Department of Social Services, Gamerov and Shapiro launched The A-List, which has since helped over 70,000 people find social activities. Gamerov shares how a young autistic woman on their advisory board discovered a local gaming group through The A-List, allowing her to connect with like-minded people. 

“It’s not just about finding services—it’s about creating spaces where people feel seen, supported, and connected,” Gamerov says.

Their latest A-List initiative, Create Space, trains arts and cultural organisations to create autism-friendly events. It builds on this desire to help people create local connections.  

Leading with Passion and Purpose: Nicole Gamerov’s Journey to Empowering Others | Laini Bennett
MyCareSpace Founder and CEO Nicole Gamerov

Looking to the Future

Today, MyCareSpace has helped thousands of people connect with disability services, and Gamerov has no plans to slow down. Up to 3,000 people now visit their website daily.

Her next goal is to future-proof the MyCareSpace platform with AI integration. By harnessing the valuable data they’ve collected, this innovation will make it faster, easier and more intuitive for people with disabilities to find the services they need, effectively and efficiently.

When asked what she is most proud of, Gamerov’s answer is simple. “My family. My children. I’m proud of the strong, independent people they’ve become. And I’m proud of the work we’re doing at MyCareSpace. We’re making a difference, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Nicole Gamerov’s Leadership Lessons Learned

  • Believe in yourself and trust your instincts: Confidence must come from within; don’t rely on others to validate your abilities.
  • Stay resilient: Success requires perseverance, even when confidence is hard to maintain.
  • Be focused and passionate: Stay unwavering in your vision and pursue it with deep commitment.
  • Recognise your limitations: Identify the skills you lack and bring in the right people to fill those gaps. “No one can do everything in a business and do it successfully,” Gamerov says.
  • Surround yourself with challengers: Seek out people who push you to grow and think differently.
  • Pay it forward: Share your knowledge and mentor others, supporting future entrepreneurs on their journeys.


Top photo: Nicole Gamerov (L), Sam, and Bianca Shapiro at an A-List event. All photos supplied.

© Laini Bennett, MBA

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