Doing it Differently With Melissa MacGowan | Laini Bennett

Doing it Differently with Melissa MacGowan

Doing it DifferentlyconfidenceempowermentEntrepreneurfemale empowermentfounderhealthcareleadershiplessons learnedStartupwomen in leadership

Melissa MacGowan’s life changed dramatically due to the early onset of menopause. Wanting to help others, she left her corporate role to launch the Meno Collective, which partners with workplaces to provide menopause education and resources. Here, she shares the lessons she has learned from doing it differently. What inspired you to launch your own

When there is no rule book make your own CC Australia Executive Director Ingrid Segota |

When There’s No Rule Book, Make Your Own

Women in LeadershipACC AustraliaAssociation of Corporate Counsel AustraliaceoconfidenceCOVID-19empowermentexperiencegeneral counselin house counselleadershipwomen in leadership

As Executive Director of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia, Ingrid Segota believes women shouldn’t have to separate their work and personal lives. Here, she shares her leadership journey and explains how her workplace-integration philosophy helped during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Work-life integration has been central to Ingrid Segota’s working philosophy throughout